Troy Quest Excel Game Download Online Excel Game Download Online

Ilus went to Phrygia and took part in games that at the time were held by the King he won a victory in wrestling.As a prize he received fifty youths and as many maidens and the King, obeying an oracle also gave him a cow and asked him to build a city wherever the cow should lay. The cow rested in the hill of Ate and on that spot Ilus built the city which he called Troy. Then he prayed to Zeus that a sign might be shown to him and he saw the Palladium falling from heaven and lying before his tent.Ilus was then blinded for the Palladium might not be looked upon by any man.But later when he had made offerings to the goddess he recovered his sight. In this way the kingdom of Dardanus and Erichthonius were divided while his brother Assaracus continued to be king of the Dardanians Ilus became the king of Troy.

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