Write a program to include the Internal Frame in Swing.


Internal frame is the frame that keeps one window inside another window and allows them to switch from one frame to another frame. The program shows the display of the internal frame:
To set the internal frame their need to be set up the layered pane.
The desktop pane is setup and then command is given to create a new internal frame using the properties. The JinternalFrame method is used as a constructor to take some parameters and provide the look and feel as well as the functionality of the frame.

JDesktopPane desktop = new JDesktopPane();
add(desktop, BorderLayout.CENTER);
public JInternalFrame(String title, boolean resizable, boolean closable, boolean maximizable, boolean iconifiable);
internalFrame = new JInternalFrame("Internal Frame", true, true, true, true);
internalFrame.setBounds(50, 50, 200, 100);
desktop.add(internalFrame, new Integer(1));

desktop.add() method allows the call to be done to the internal frame to allow the layer frame to be called for the frame it belongs to. Layers are used as an integer objects that determine the order of the layer and shows the functionality on top of the frame.

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