What does rendering engine in the Silverlight includes?
What does rendering engine in the Silverlight includes?
Rendering engine is a powerful engine to render the visual appearance and the content of the page. It also helps in controlling the content of the page. It includes the following: Text rendering support: it helps in rendering the text that can be used by the content and to make the visual appearance more effective. Subpixel positioning: it helps in positioning the pixels and the pixels that are contained by the previous one together. It helps in maintaining a format between the pixels that provide the correct aligning of it. Custom anti-aliasing for sharper text: Anti aliasing allows the text to be more smooth and to soften the edges of the text. It helps in making the text more legiible by aligning text that remains on the pixel positions and rendered in small font sizes. Custom anti-aliasing helps in choosing the better option of it. Transforms: the transform can be of many type but the main type is path transform or brush transform that is used to transform the text and graphics by resampling the content and the data involved in it.
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