If you're interested in creating sagas that can resolve/reject async thunk actions then have a look at the saga-toolkit package - I created and use.
import { createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
import { createSagaAction } from 'saga-toolkit'
const name = 'example'
const initialState = {
result: null,
loading: false,
error: null,
export const fetchThings = createSagaAction(`${name}/fetchThings`)
export const doSomeMoreAsyncStuff = createSagaAction(`${name}/doSomeMoreAsyncStuff`)
const slice = createSlice({
extraReducers: {
[fetchThings.pending]: () => ({
loading: true,
[fetchThings.fulfilled]: ({ payload }) => ({
result: payload,
loading: false,
[fetchThings.rejected]: ({ error }) => ({
loading: false,
export default slice.reducer
import { call } from 'redux-saga/effects'
import { takeLatestAsync, takeEveryAsync, putAsync } from 'saga-toolkit'
import API from 'hyper-super-api'
import * as actions from './slice'
function* fetchThings() {
const result = yield call(() => API.get('/things'))
const anotherResult = yield putAsync(actions.doSomeMoreAsyncStuff()) // waits for doSomeMoreAsyncStuff to finish !
return result
function* doSomeMoreAsyncStuff() {
return 'a value for another result'
export default [
takeLatestAsync(actions.fetchThings.pending, fetchThings), // takeLatestAsync: behaves a bit like debounce
takeEveryAsync(actions.doSomeMoreAsyncStuff.pending, doSomeMoreAsyncStuff), // each action will start a new saga thread