There are four simple steps to make this happen.
Put the navigation configuration in your module configuration first. Just as you have a default navigation, you can create a second one secondary.
'navigation' => array(
'secondary' => array(
'page-1' => array(
'label' => 'First page',
'route' => 'route-1'
'page-2' => array(
'label' => 'Second page',
'route' => 'route-2'
You have routes to your first page (route-1) and second page (route-2).
A factory will convert this into a navigation object structure, you need to create a class for that first. Create a file SecondaryNavigationFactory.php in your MyModule/Navigation/Service directory.
namespace MyModule\Navigation\Service;
use Zend\Navigation\Service\DefaultNavigationFactory;
class SecondaryNavigationFactory extends DefaultNavigationFactory
protected function getName()
return 'secondary';
put the name secondary here, which is the same as your navigation key.
register this factory to the service manager. Then the factory can do it's work and turn the configuration file into a Zend\Navigation object. You can do this in your module.config.php:
'service_manager' => array(
'factories' => array(
'secondary_navigation' => 'MyModule\Navigation\Service\SecondaryNavigationFactory'
made a service secondary_navigation here, where the factory will return a Zend\Navigation instance then. If you do now $sm->get('secondary_navigation') you will see that is a Zend\Navigation\Navigation object.
he navigation view helper accepts a "navigation" parameter where you can state which navigation you want. In this case, the service manager has a service secondary_navigation and that is the one we need.
<?= $this->navigation('secondary_navigation')->menu() ?>
Now you will have the navigation secondary used in this view helper.