When working with images for a website, you will need to resize your images to suit your particular
purpose. Here is a basic guide that can help you decide on what is suitable. (The units used here are
pixels, which are standard units across all computer platforms. The conversion between pixels and
inches is roughly 1? = 72 pixels or 1cm = 28 pixels) To use this particular unit of measure you will
need to adjust you preference settings by selecting Edit > Preferences > Units and Rulers and
changing the units and rulers to measure in pixels.
Type of picture
Size in Pixels
1024 x 768
Standard personal picture of yourself for a
personal website
200 x 200
Title bar e.g. Google title bar on the
Google homepage
276 x 110
To resize a picture look on the menu bar and select Image > image size
Workshop Committee of Technology Assist By Students