You need a Bijective Function f. This is necessary so that you can find a inverse function g('abc') = 123 for your f(123) = 'abc' function. This means:
. It contains 62 letters.Take an auto-generated, unique numerical key (the auto-incremented id
of a MySQL table for example).
For this example I will use 12510 (125 with a base of 10).
Now you have to convert 12510 to X62 (base 62).
12510 = 2×621 + 1×620 = [2,1]
This requires use of integer division and modulo. A pseudo-code example:
digits = []
while num > 0
remainder = modulo(num, 62)
num = divide(num, 62)
digits = digits.reverse
Now map the indices 2 and 1 to your alphabet. This is how your mapping (with an array for example) could look like:
0 → a
1 → b
25 → z
52 → 0
61 → 9
With 2 → c and 1 → b you will receive cb62 as the shortened URL.
The reverse is even easier. You just do a reverse lookup in your alphabet.
e9a62 will be resolved to "4th, 61st, and 0th letter in alphabet".
e9a62 = [4,61,0]
= 4×622 + 61×621 + 0×620 = 1915810
Now find your database-record with WHERE id = 19158
and do the redirect.