How do you proceed when you have to use Yii for any application?
How do you proceed when you have to use Yii for any application?
take the framework either from Yii site or if you have changed according to your needs start from there. Proceed with basic software engg. concepts as requirement gathering etc..
This is a basic Understanding Concept in yii
1. Yii-based apps are driven by data logic. When I build an app, I always start by making sure that my database schemes are well-designed and optimised to fit the business flow of the app. Therefore, my codes are automatically generated based on my database design. And, yes…
2. … Yii can generate the whole shebang of PHP codes for you automatically! Just define which database you want to use, and with a few clicks it will create a CRUD (create-read-update-delete) app for you. It looks so cute, I tell you! Speaking of automatic…
3. … Yii can generate a skeleton app for you automatically. This skeleton app include a view page, a login page, contact page and basic navigation, all wrapped within a completely organized folder tree based on the standard MVC programming model.
4. The extensive choice of Yii functions makes sense. As a self-taught web programmer, I was able to map out its functions to all of the RESPONSE and REQUEST tasks I most often use when building webapps within a matter of minutes. It also doesn’t hurt that the Yii community has kindly provided cheat sheets for the functions so that I can do a quick reference when I need to.
5. The Definitive Guide to Yii document that comes with the Yii install is actually quite easy to go through, at least for me. I don’t know why, though. I thought CakePHP docs were more user-friendly and attractive, but surprisingly I was able to go through Yii documentation and tutorial in just two hours and not get cross-eyed by the end of it.
6. Yii uses MySQL and SQLite as its choice database types. Of course, you can run any other type of databases as long as you have its PDO enabled in your php.ini file. I develop using MySQL most of the time, but my fondness for SQLite is increasing, due to the fact that SQLite is so darn lightweight and easy to use.
7. Yii is integrated with jQuery, which means that many of the necessary validation functions I use can easily be plugged within the Yii function calls itself, which is usually only a line of code or two.
8. Yii is open-source, and it’s free. Open-source products turn me on.
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