How do I decide when to use right joins/left joins or inner joins Or how to determine which table is on which side?


I think what you're looking for is to do a LEFT JOIN starting from the main-table to return all records from the main table regardless if they have valid data in the joined ones (as indicated by the top left 2 circles in the graphic)

JOIN's happen in succession, so if you have 4 tables to join, and you always want all the records from your main table, you need to continue LEFT JOIN throughout, for example:

SELECT * FROM main_table
LEFT JOIN sub_table ON main_table.ID = sub_table.main_table_ID
LEFT JOIN sub_sub_table on main_table.ID = sub_sub_table.main_table_ID

If you INNER JOIN the sub_sub_table, it will immediately shrink your result set down even if you did a LEFT JOIN on the sub_table.

Remember, when doing LEFT JOIN, you need to account for NULL values being returned. Because if no record can be joined with the main_table, a LEFT JOIN forces that field to appear regardless and will contain a NULL. INNER JOIN will obviously just "throw away" the row instead because there's no valid link between the two (no corresponding record based on the ID's you've joined)

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