SAP CRM User Interface started with SAPGUI, and its growth has resulted in SAP CRM Web Client User Interface. CRM Web Client user interface is an enhanced version of the IC Web Client UI. Also, it is business role based UI; therefore, the content which will be visible to the user logged-in depends upon the business roles assigned to the user. This results in a simpler UI for the user, who will be able to access and process only those tasks which are relevant for him or her. With this, the Sales representative who is not concerned with the marketing process will only be able to access and work the Sales related process as per the authorizations assigned.
CRM Web Client UI is component based software, which presents the CRM UI to the user in L-Shape. It contains Header in the top row and Navigation Bar on the left side, this constitutes the L-Shape. The remaining space on the CRM Web UI page is called Work Area. The Header area contains predefined system link like Log Off hyperlink.
Following are the components of the Header area:
The position of the Header Area is fixed and cannot be changed. Navigation Bar contains links to various applications that are assigned to the logged-in user. The content of the Work Area gets updated with user action on the links available in Header area, Navigation bar or within the work area itself. The views are displayed in the CRM Web UI as Assignment Blocks. There are separate pages offered as implementation of the SAP CRM Web UI:
User can navigate between these pages using the links available in navigation bar, work centre or hyperlinks available in the search pages, applications or business transactions.
User can navigate to the below Account search using the link in the work center or using the Account Search link available in the second level of navigation bar