ODBC architecture constitutes six major components namely
Front-end Tool : This provides an interface to access the database residing on back-end server, and also to present the information to the user in the format specified.
Back –end DataBase engine : this is responsible for storing, retrieving, and maintenance of data.
Database : Database is a set of data items that are logically related. A database is just a storage scheme of data, which can be manipulated only through the corresponding database engine.
ODBC Driver : Every database engine will have only one ODBC Driver. This is usually supplied by the database vendor.
ODBC Data Source : ODBC Data Source provides the way for a front-end to connect to a data source.
ODBC Manager : To manage ODBC Drivers and ODBC Data Sources, a program is supplied along with the database or sometimes with the OS which is called ODBC Manager. This can be used to install new ODBC Drivers or create new Data Sources.a
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