InstrumentationTestSuite is a TestSuite that injects Instrumentation into InstrumentationTestCase before running them.
InstrumentationTestRunner is the test case runner that execute test case on target application.
AndroidTestCase extends JUnit TestCase. It contains methods for accessing resources like Activity Context.
ApplicationTestCase verifies the Application classes in a controlled environment.
InstrumentationTestCase verifies a particular feature or behavior of target application , for e.g., verify UI output of application.
ActivityTestCase is base class that supports testing the Application Activities.
ProviderTestCase is class for testing single ContentProvider.
ServiceTestCase is used to test Service classes in testing environment. It also supports Service's life cycle.
SingeLauchActivityTestCase is used to test single Activity with an InstrumentationTestCase.
ActivityUnitTestCase <Activity> is used to test single isolated activity.
ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2<Activity> extends the JUnit TestCase class. It connects you to target application with instrumentation. With this class, you can access application's GUI component and send UI event (keystroke or touch event) to the UI.
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