Clients always prefers person to talk in their own native language or in their own accent, how you are going to respond to such clients to make them talk to you?
Clients always prefers person to talk in their own native language or in their own accent, how you are going to respond to such clients to make them talk to you?
You should say I am extremely sorry for the inconvenience, looking on the current situation there is no one to talk to you in your language. However I am looking forward to make this issue very small for you, take me as your consultant, my offers and thoughts will definitely make you feel easy and give you peace of mind . For that, I need your time and concentration to this, Mr. Customer. It will be resolved by us for sure.
As far as understanding my English is concerned I will speak a bit slowly and more clearly so that my language matches your rate of understanding and if you do not understand anything, please feel free to let me know.
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