1)what is an array?
Ans) : array is a group of character, strings, intergers which will arrange them as a group.
2) how the initialisation of arrays Will be ?
Ans): the initialisation start with 0 (zero) and end at n (n is how many characters we give)
It goes like 0 1 2 3 4....
3) how many types of arrays ?
There are two types of arrays
A) one-dimensional arrays
B) two - dimensions array
4) what is one dimensional array ?
Ans): Group of character which is in the form of one dimention
Ex): a[3], b[8] etc..
5) what is 2- dimention array?
Ans): it is the type of array which is in the form of two- dimensions
Ex): a[2][3] ,name [5] [6]
6) what is the use of arrays?
Ans): 1)to declare the group of character array are more important
2) it avoids mixing of character .