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Priya Gill

Priya Gill (born 9 December 1975) is an Indian actress. She appeared mainly in Hindi films, along with a film each in Punjabi, Malayalam, Tamil, Bhojpuri and two movies in Telugu. She was second runner-up in Miss India 1995.

Priya Gill
Born 9 December 1975 (age 42)
Punjab, India
Occupation Actress, Model
Years active 1996-2006


Film career

Gill began her Bollywood career with the ABCL production Tere Mere Sapne (1996) along with Arshad Warsi and Chandrachur Singh. Other film appearances include Josh and Bade Dilwale.[1]


Year Movie Role Language Notes
1996 Tere Mere Sapne Paro Shastri Hindi DĂ©but
1998 Sham Ghansham Geeta Hindi
1999 Sirf Tum Aarti Hindi
Bade Dilwala Piya Hindi
Megham Meenakshi Malayalam
2000 Josh Roseanne Hindi
Bagunnara Priya Telugu
Rayalaseema Ramanna Chowdary Telugu
2001 Jeetenge Hum Hindi
2002 Red Gayathri Tamil
Jee Aayan Nu Simar Punjabi
2003 LOC Kargil Charulatha Hindi
Border Hindustan Ka Nargis Hindi
2006 Piya Tose Naina Lage Bhojpuri
2006 Bhairavi Bhairavi Hindi

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Priya Gill Life Style :: High Class
Priya Gill likes :: Natural
Priya Gill Height :: 133 cm
Priya Gill Weight :: 58 kG
Priya Gill Whatsapp Mobile no :: Request For Number
Priya Gill Contact address :: Request For Address
Priya Gill Contact email id :: Request For email id

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