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Prarthana Behere

Prarthana Behere (Marathi: प्रार्थना बेहेरे) is an Indian actress, well known for her role in the popular Indian soap Pavitra Rishta as Vaishali Dharmesh-Jaipurwala. She is originally from Maharashtra, India and has played roles in regional Marathi TV soaps.She is working in Marathi Film Industry.

Prarthana Behere
Born (1985-01-05) 5 January 1985 (age 32)
Vadodara, Gujarat
Nationality  India
Occupation Actress
Known for Marathi daily soap & Movies


Title Year Role Channel
Pavitra Rishta 2009-2010 Vaishali Karanjkar Zee TV
Love Lagn Locha 2017 Special Appearance Zee Yuva


Year Title Language Role
2009 Rita Marathi Anuradha Salvi
2010 Mai Lek Marathi Leelavati
2011 Love U...Mr. Kalakaar! Hindi Kamya
2011 Bodyguard Hindi Special appearance
2013 Jai Maharashtra Dhaba Bhatinda Marathi Jaspreet
2015 Mitwaa Marathi Avani
2015 Coffee Ani Barach Kahi Marathi Jaai
2015 Tujhya Vin Mar Javaan Marathi
2015 Biker's Adda Marathi Aditi
2015 Vakratunda Mahakaaya Marathi
2016 Mr. and Mrs. Sadachari Marathi Gargi
2016 Wajah Tum Ho Hindi Rajni
2017 Fugay Marathi Jaai( Marathi:जाई )
2017 Anaan Marathi
2017 Hostel Days Marathi

Prarthana Behere Pics images photo, address and all type of information about Prarthana Behere likes height, weight, age, size, life style, interest ,contact number, mobile or phone, latest info all these thing you can get here as PCDS User You have to just to Register and do login with name of actress and we will send you the address and all related pic of Prarthana Behere with their biography, Education, color etc to you. Note: Only if it's publicaly available and verified

Below are the example data its only for demo

Prarthana Behere Life Style :: High Class
Prarthana Behere likes :: Natural
Prarthana Behere Height :: 159 cm
Prarthana Behere Weight :: 49 kG
Prarthana Behere Whatsapp Mobile no :: Request For Number
Prarthana Behere Contact address :: Request For Address
Prarthana Behere Contact email id :: Request For email id

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