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Paloma Rao

Paloma Rao is a Chennai-based music VJ, RJ and actress.

Paloma Rao
Born (1986-02-04) 4 February 1986 (ageĀ 31)
Chennai, India
OtherĀ names SS Paloma, VJ Paloma
Occupation Actress, Music VJ


A graduate of B.Sc Visual Communication from Loyola College, Chennai, Paloma began her career as a theatre artist. In 2004 she became a VJ on SS Music, and hosted the popular shows First Frame, Autograph and Just Connect. She played a cameo role in Unnale Unnale, which became a hit at the box-office. She now hosts the Live Cafe On Radio Station Chennai Live 104.8 FM. She now hosts shows for Star Sports, in 2016 Paloma anchored the Tamil Nadu Premier League and in 2017 the ICC Champions Trophy.


Year Film Role Co-stars Language Notes
2007 That Four-Letter Word Sara Sudhish Kamath English
2007 Unnale Unnale Priya Vinay, Sadha, Tanisha Mukherjee Tamil

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Paloma Rao Life Style :: High Class
Paloma Rao likes :: Natural
Paloma Rao Height :: 160 cm
Paloma Rao Weight :: 52 kG
Paloma Rao Whatsapp Mobile no :: Request For Number
Paloma Rao Contact address :: Request For Address
Paloma Rao Contact email id :: Request For email id

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