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Nikii Daas

Nikii Daas is an Indian model, actress and beauty queen. She was crowned winner at the Gladrags beauty pageant and later won the title of "Miss Charming" while representing India at the international pageant Best Model of the World in Turkey. Daas started to model professionally soon after that. Daas has appeared in campaigns for brands like Spykar Jeans, Dolce & Gabbana, Globus, Donear suitings, Bombay Dyeing, Mag Wheels, Toyota Innova Car with Aamir Khan, Gold Souk (Dubai) – Mikura Pearls, and Paaneri Sarees. She has walked the ramp for designers like Satya Paul, Raymonds, Shakir Shaikh, Marc Robinson, Prasad Bidapa, Elric D'souza, Lubna Adams, and Viveka Babajee. She was featured in the Kingfisher Calendar. She made her acting debut in the 2013 kannada film Mandahasa.

Nikii Daas
Born Nikii Daas
(1988-08-07) 7 August 1988 (age 29)
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Residence Mumbai
Occupation Film actor

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Nikii Daas Life Style :: High Class
Nikii Daas likes :: Natural
Nikii Daas Height :: 138 cm
Nikii Daas Weight :: 56 kG
Nikii Daas Whatsapp Mobile no :: Request For Number
Nikii Daas Contact address :: Request For Address
Nikii Daas Contact email id :: Request For email id

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