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Maria Roy

Maria Roy is an Indian actress who entered into the Indian film industry in late 2006.

Maria Roy
Born Kottayam, India
Residence UK
Occupation Actress, model, Dancer
Years active 2006,2013



Roy is a South Indian film actress primarily working in the Malayalam film industry. Her first movie was Notebook, directed by Roshan Andrews, in which she played a schoolgirl named Sridevi.

She spent six years in the UK and New York for detailed studies in different dance styles.


In Notebook, she was cast as Sreedevi, the relatively quiet girl of the three friends in the film, who dies midway through. Her second role was in the 2013 Malayalam film Hotel California,[5] with Jayasurya.[6]


Year Title Role Co-stars Director Notes
2006 Notebook Sreedevi Roma, Parvathy,Skandha Rosshan Andrrews First movie
2013 Hotel California Kamala Nambiar Jayasurya, Anoop Menon, Honey Rose Aji John
2013 Mumbai Police Captain Srinivas's sister Prithviraj, Jayasurya, Rahman, Rosshan Andrrews Cameo

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Maria Roy Life Style :: High Class
Maria Roy likes :: Natural
Maria Roy Height :: 131 cm
Maria Roy Weight :: 44 kG
Maria Roy Whatsapp Mobile no :: Request For Number
Maria Roy Contact address :: Request For Address
Maria Roy Contact email id :: Request For email id

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