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Malavika Menon

Malavika Menon (born 3 may 1998) is an Indian film actress known for her work in Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu films. She is from Kerala.

She made her career debut in 2012 with the film 916. She went on to play minor supporting roles before beginning to land starring roles later in 2012.[3]


Year Film Role Language Note
2012 Nidra Revathi Malayalam
2012 Hero Malayalam
2012 916 Meera Malayalam
2013 Ivan Veramathiri Divya Tamil
2013 Vizha Rakkamma Tamil
2013 Nadan Priyamvada Devadas Malayalam
2014 Bramman Lakshmi Tamil
2015 Vethu Vettu Mahalakshmi Tamil
2015 Sir C. P. Young Mary Malayalam
2015 Monsoon Jessy Malayalam
2015 John Honai Maria Malayalam
2016 Nijama Nizhala Tamil
2016 Buddhanum Chaplinum Chirikkunnu Strange lady Malayalam
2017 Devayanam Sathyabhama Malayalam
2017 Hello Dubaikkaran Jyothi Malayalam
2017 Vandanam Telugu Filming

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Below are the example data its only for demo

Malavika Menon Life Style :: High Class
Malavika Menon likes :: Natural
Malavika Menon Height :: 149 cm
Malavika Menon Weight :: 48 kG
Malavika Menon Whatsapp Mobile no :: Request For Number
Malavika Menon Contact address :: Request For Address
Malavika Menon Contact email id :: Request For email id

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