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Gita Ghatak

Gita Ghatak (Geeta Ghatak) (1931-2009) was an Indian actress and singer. She mainly acted in Bengali cinema. Gita Ghatak was also an exponent of Rabindra Sangeet. She had her primary lessons in Tagore songs from celebrated artistes like Sailajaran Majumdar and Indira Debi Choudhurani, having a brief stint in Indian classical music too in her long music career of 65 years. She was closely associated with the All India Radio, Kolkata. She was also a teacher at South Point School, Kolkata (where she taught all sorts of subjects including English, Maths, as well as music).

Gita Ghatak
Born 23 January 1931
Died 17 November 2009 (2009-11-18) (aged 78)
Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Occupation Actress, singer


Personal life

She was the spouse of Anish Ghatak, whose youngest uncle was Ritwik Ghatak.


Her notable works include Meghe Dhaka Tara, Bari Theke Paliye, Ekti Nadir Naam…

Selected filmography

Year Film English Title
1958 Bari Theke Paliye The Runaway
1959 Meghe Dhaka Tara The Cloud-Capped Star
2002 Ekti Nadir Naam The Name of a River
2010 Beyond Borders

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Gita Ghatak Life Style :: High Class
Gita Ghatak likes :: Natural
Gita Ghatak Height :: 160 cm
Gita Ghatak Weight :: 58 kG
Gita Ghatak Whatsapp Mobile no :: Request For Number
Gita Ghatak Contact address :: Request For Address
Gita Ghatak Contact email id :: Request For email id

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