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Gayathri Iyer

Gayathri Iyer (Tamil: காயத்ரி ஐயர் ) (also known as Urmila Gayathri) is an Indian film actress and model from Kerala, who has acted in Kannada, Telugu and Bengali films.

Gayathri Iyer
Gayathri Iyer.jpg
Born Gayathri Venkitagiri
Kochi, Kerala, India
Other names Urmila Gayathri
Occupation Actress, model
Years active 2012–present




Iyer has appeared in television commercials such as Garnier, Pantene, Vivel soap, Big bazaar, Orysa oil, Catch Masala, ParleG, Prince Jewellery, Easyoffbang,Nalli Silks, Kalamandir sarees,Yamaha Dream Rider, Cool Lips.

She also starred in a hindi non-bollywood music video named Fariyad,produced and released by Zee music. The song was written and composed by Shaurya Khare,who also starred in the video with her.


Her first notable film in Kannada was Namo Bhootatma, a remake of the Tamil film Yaamirukka Bayamey, produced by Eldred Kumar of RS Infotainment and starred Komal and Harish Raj as the male leads. Namo Bhootatma ran for 100 days in Karnataka and was well received by the audience.

Iyer's next release was Ouija in Kannada and Telugu by Vega Entertainment which was filmed in Malaysia and parts of Bangalore and Hyderabad. It starred Shraddha Das, Madhuri Itagi, Sayaji Shinde and Bharath. It released to average openings but her performance in the film was noted and appreciated. She also starred in a Bengali film named Shrishti with Nepali actor Uttam Pradhan, where she played the title role. It is yet to release. Her next release in kannada was Tyson with Vinod Prabhakar, son of late actor Tiger Prabhakar. The film was a success and also marked a comeback for Vinod. Iyer next appeared in the Kannada film Jaggu Dada with actor Darshan.


Year Film Language Opposite
2012 Six Telugu Jagapati Babu
2012 Shravana Kannada Vijay Raghavendra
2013 Shrishti Bengali Reeshi Uttam Pradhan[9]
2014 Namo Boothatma[10] Kannada Komal, Harish Raj
2015 Ouija[11][12][13] Kannada Bharath
2015 Tyson Kannada Vinod Prabhakar[14]
2016 Jaggu Dada[15] Kannada Darshan
2017 Ryde[16] English David Wachs, Randy Wayne

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Gayathri Iyer Life Style :: High Class
Gayathri Iyer likes :: Natural
Gayathri Iyer Height :: 139 cm
Gayathri Iyer Weight :: 56 kG
Gayathri Iyer Whatsapp Mobile no :: Request For Number
Gayathri Iyer Contact address :: Request For Address
Gayathri Iyer Contact email id :: Request For email id

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