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Chumki Chowdhury

Chumki Choudhury was born on 6 February 1970 in Kolkata. She is the daughter of famous director Anjan Choudhury and Smt. Joysree Choudhury. She passed her Madhyamik from Joysree Siksha Niketan and completed her Higher Secondary and B.A. from New Alipore College.

Chumki Chowdhury
Born (1970-02-06) 6 February 1970 (age 47)
Kolkata, India
Nationality Indian
Occupation Actress
Years active 1990–present
Spouse(s) Lokesh Ghosh
Parent(s) Anjan Choudhury (father)
Joysree Choudhury (mother)

Chumki Choudhury made her acting debut under the direction of her father called Hirak Jayanti as a lead actress. The film was released in 1990. After doing several films of her father, she could not earn her reputation in the Bengali film industry. In 1991, the people started knowing her after acting in Babloo Samaddar’s film called ‘Abhagini’.

Chumki Chattopadhay took her primary lessons in dance and music from her mother Joysree Choudhury and later on from Bani Debnath. She was involved with stage shows professionally. She got married with the actor Lokesh Ghosh.


Year Title
1990 Mahajan
1990 Heerak Jayanti
1991 Abhagini
1992 Indrajit
1993 Shraddhanjali
1993 Maya Mamata
1994 Geet Sangeet
1994 Abbajan
1995 Sangharsha
1995 Mejo Bou
1996 Puja
1996 Naach Nagini Naach Re
1996 Mukhyamantri
1996 Mahan
1997 Sriman Bhutnath
1997 Lofar
1997 Boro Bou
1998 Asal Nakal
1999 Santan
1999 Niyoti
1999 Jiban Niye Khela
2001 Rakhi Purnima
2002 Nishana
2002 Chandramollika
2002 Bangali Babu
2003 Sejo Bou
2006 Mahasangram
2008 Shibaji
2012 Atmatyag
2013 Sneher Badhan

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Below are the example data its only for demo

Chumki Chowdhury Life Style :: High Class
Chumki Chowdhury likes :: Natural
Chumki Chowdhury Height :: 143 cm
Chumki Chowdhury Weight :: 40 kG
Chumki Chowdhury Whatsapp Mobile no :: Request For Number
Chumki Chowdhury Contact address :: Request For Address
Chumki Chowdhury Contact email id :: Request For email id

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