Manish Sharma
Biography of Manish Sharma :
Maneesh Sharma is an Indian film director and film story writer, who made his debut with Band Baaja Baaraat (2010), and which won him Filmfare Award for Best Debut Director.First of all one thing to be noticed is that he is the brother of Anushka Sharma. Born and brought up in Delhi, where he grew up in various parts of the city, including Pitampura. Maneesh did his schooling from Delhi Public School, R K Puram. Thereafter he did his graduation in English literature from Hans Raj College, Delhi University. At college, he was involved in the theatre society and later shot his debut film in 2010 there. After his graduation he went to California to study filmmaking .. Before moving to Mumbai, he was also involved in theatre in Delhi and was a dancer in a local musical troupe.
All movies list of Manish Sharma as below
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Below are the Manish Sharma example Details for PCDS Member only
Manish Sharma size :: 21
Manish Sharma Height :: 1393 mm
Manish Sharma Weight :: 53587 G
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