Jeremy Camp Biography and interview with images whatsapp mobile Contact number and Address info

Jeremy Camp Biography of Jeremy Camp :

Jeremy Thomas Camp (born January 12, 1978) is a contemporary Christian musician from Lafayette, Indiana. Camp has released seven albums, four of them RIAA-certified as Gold and two are live albums, and 17 number-one hit songs. His original music is a mixture of ballads and rock. Jeremy Camp was born on January 12, 1978 in Lafayette, Indiana. His father Tom, the pastor at Harvest Chapel (a Calvary Chapel church in Lafayette), taught him how to play guitar. After completing high school, Camp attended a Calvary Chapel Bible College in Southern California for two years. After one of the worship leaders heard him play in the kitchen of the school he urged Camp to become a part of the worship team. Soon he led worship and played all over Southern California. Camp has scored fourteen No. 1 Christian music hits (six from his first album, Stay). His first single was "Understand". He has made nine music videos: "Understand", "Walk By Faith", "Take You Back", "Tonight", "Give You Glory", "Let It Fade", "I Am Willing",a song which was not included on any of his albums, "Speaking Louder Than Before", and "The Way". He also has video devotionals for several songs on YouTube and GodTube. He has also released a DVD (In24) which chronicles a regular day on tour. Live Unplugged from Franklin, TN also includes a DVD of the concert, which was recorded for the live album. He also has scored a musical number "This Man" and his video can be seen on YouTube. This video was made with clips from the movie The Passion of the Christ.

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"; Jeremy Camp size :: 48
Jeremy Camp Height :: 1307 mm
Jeremy Camp Weight :: 41199 G
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