Hi! I am Darshit Nayak, a Singer-Songwriter from Ahmedabad, a Computer Engineer by qualification who was never ready to accept that life is supposed to be spent doing mundane tasks and to die without any significant impact on anyone's life.
It was my passion which has driven me from Java & C programming to Music Production on digital audio workstations. I started composing when I was in 2nd year of my college, back then I had no idea about music production, slowly and steadily my interest in engineering started fading away and my curiosity to learn new things started showing me the ways in which I could learn & set up a small recording environment at home to satisfy my creative urge.
Not a very big fan of tv reality shows, I have decided to find my own way to success, and slowly but steadily I believe I am moving on the right track. I hope to leave an impression on your mind by my music and will try my best not to fade away in case I succeed to grab your attention, because the best of me is yet to come.
Biography of Darshit Nayak with Pics images photo address and all type of information about Darshit Nayak likes height, weight, age, size, life style, interest ,contact number, mobile or phone, latest info all these thing you can get here as PCDS User You have to just to Register and do login or you have to send a mail on info@pcds.co.in with name of celebrity Darshit Nayak and we will send you the address and all related pic of Darshit Nayak with their biography, Education, color etc to you. Note: only If such information publically available on request or open
Below are the Darshit Nayak example Details for PCDS Member only
Darshit Nayak size :: 87
Darshit Nayak Height :: 1933 mm
Darshit Nayak Weight :: 44387 G
Darshit Nayak Whatsapp Mobile no :: Request For Number
Darshit Nayak Contact address :: Request For Address
Darshit Nayak Contact email id :: Request For email id