Arrays Online Tutorials

An array is a systematic arrangement of similar objects, usually in rows and columns.

The little push-buttons on the upper part of the right electronic device are arranged in an array with 3 columns and 4 rows. The two devices themselves form a very simple array of 2 columns and 1 row.

Things called an array include:


  • In twelve-tone and serial composition, the presentation of simultaneous twelve-tone sets such that the sums of their horizontal segments form a succession of twelve-tone aggregates
  • Array mbira, a musical instrument
  • Spiral array model, a music pitch space





A telescope array, also called astronomical interferometer.


  • Various kinds of multiple biological arrays called microarrays
  • Visual feature array, a model for the visual cortex

Computer science


Generally, a collection of same type data items that can be selected by indices computed at run-time, including:

  • Array (data structure), an arrangement of items at equally spaced addresses in computer memory
  • Array (data type), used in a programming language to specify a variable that can be indexed
  • Associative array, an abstract data structure model composed of key-value pairs, often implemented as a hash table or search tree

or various kinds of the above, such as:

  • Bit array or bit vector
  • Dynamic array, allocated at run time
  • Jagged array, an array of arrays of which the member arrays can be of different lengths
  • Parallel array of records, with each field stored as a separate array
  • Sparse array, with most elements omitted, to store a sparse matrix
  • Variable-length array

or various related concepts:

  • Array programming, using matrix algebra notation in programs (not the same as array processing)
  • Array slicing, the extraction of sub-arrays of an array

or also:

  • Global Arrays, a library for parallel processing
  • Intel Array Visualizer, a piece of scientific graphics software

Mathematics and statistics

  • A standard array in coding theory
  • An array or matrix (mathematics)
    • a Costas array
    • a Monge array
  • A holor
  • In statistics, arrays are a name for some kinds of Category:Experimental design
  • Intersection array a concept of category theory




  • Array data structure, an arrangement of data in computer memory
  • Asynchronous array of simple processors
  • Disk array, such as the RAID
  • Gate array, including a field-programmable gate array (FPGA)
  • ICL Distributed Array Processor, an array processor for the ICL
  • Integrated circuit packages:
    • Ball grid arrayArrays Tutorials: An array is an ordered data structure consisting of a collection of elements (values or variables), each identified by one (single dimensional array, or vector) or multiple indexes

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