Unitech Limited Interview Questions And Answers

Unitech Limited MCQ TestUnitech Limited MCQ Test

Unitech Limited MCQ Test2nd Unitech Limited MCQ Test

Objective type questions in written exam test of Unitech Limited

1 → Questins : There are 8 balls M, N, O, P, Q, R, S and T. 7 of them are identical, the 8th is either heavier or lighter.Only an accurate beam balance with 2 pans is available.
The result of 3 weighings is as shown:


Which is the odd ball, and is it heavier or lighter?

Option a> : Q, heavier
Option b> : M, lighter
Option c> : O, lighter
Option d> : It is not possible to tell for sure

2 → Questins : On August 11, 1999, a total eclipse of the Sun was visible from within a narrow corridor which traversed the Eastern Hemisphere. The visibility of the eclipse from different places in India is shown on this map.

Study it and answer questions 42 and 43.


From Ahmedabad, which of these could have been the shape of the Sun when the solar eclipse was maximum?

3 → Questins : When a person’s blood pressure is measured, two readings are obtained - the Systolic and the Diastolic. These two numbers are used to determine if the person has high blood pressure (hypertension).


The blood pressure readings of 4 patients is given below. Which of them is suffering from Stage 1 Hypertension?


Option a> : A.
Option b> : B.
Option c> : C.
Option d> : D.

4 → Questins : The chart below shows the rate of heartbeat of different animals. Their weights are also given.


From the chart, which of these appears to be the relationship between the weight of an animal and its average heart rate?

Option a> : The average heart rate of the heavier animals is more.
Option b> : The average heart rate of the heavier animals is less.
Option c> : The average heart rate of the light and heavy animals is less than that of the other animals.
Option d> : There is no relationship between the weight of an animal and its average heart rate.

5 → Questins : The figure shows a boy throwing a javelin. For a given javelin mass, the distance the javelin travels depends upon the force exerted by the boy’s arm and the time for which it is exerted.
The force exerted multiplied by the time for which it is exerted is called the impulse.

Impulse = Force x time


The greater the impulse, the greater is
the distance to which the javelin will travel.

Which of these would be the units of impulse?

Option a> : kg
Option b> : kg.m.s2
Option c> : kg.m/s
Option d> : Kg.m/ s2

6 → Questins : Study the flowchart shown and also see the four types of leaves marked P, Q, R and S. Which of these correctly identifies them?



Option a> :
Option b> :
Option c> :
Option d> :

7 → Questins : The ^Flame Test^ is used in the identification of certain metals. It is based on the observation that light emitted by any element gives a unique spectrum when passed through a spectroscope. When a salt of the metal is introduced into a Bunsen burner flame, the metallic ion produces characteristic colour in the flame. Some metals and the colours they produce are:


White light can be considered the sum of RED, BLUE and GREEN coloured light. In other words, if all RED was absorbed from WHITE light, it would appear to be CYAN. That is:


The colour of the flame produced by sodium ion masks many other coloured flames. What would be the best filter to use in order to block the colour of sodium flame?

Option a> : Red
Option b> : Yellow
Option c> : Blue
Option d> : Plane glass

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