Treeview Online Tutorials

A tree view is a graphical widget (graphical control element) within a graphical user interface (GUI) in which users can navigate and interact intuitively with concise, hierarchical data presented as nodes in a tree-like format. It can also be called an outline view.

A generic tree view



A tree view is usually a vertical list of nodes arranged in a tree-like structure. Each node represents a single data item, displayed as an indented line of text or a rectangular box. The indentation (and sometimes a line drawn between nodes) is used to indicate levels of hierarchy. Every treeview has a root node from which all nodes descend. Below the root node and indented to the right are its child nodes. Each node has exactly one parent node and can have zero or more child nodes. If a node (other than the root node) has a child or children, it is called a branch node. If it has no child, then it is a leaf node.[3] This creates a hierarchical tree-like structure, with branches and subbranches emerging downward and rightwards. The nodes can be differentiated by different colors, icons and fonts to represent the nested relationship between parent nodes and child nodes.[2] An item can be expanded to reveal subitems, if any exist, and collapsed to hide subitems.





Tree view allows users to interact with hierarchical data in a variety of ways, such as :

  • expanding and collapsing nodes to reveal or to hide their child nodes and thus navigate through the tree structure according to one's needs.
  • search and filter nodes based on specific criteria such as date.
  • renaming or deleting using context menus.
  • copying and moving (dragging and dropping) nodes to other sections of the tree to rearrange them.
  • opening a node in a separate window.



Tree views can be customized for visual appeal and efficiency in the following ways:

  • Input methods : Tree views can be customized to support various input methods such as mouse, keyboard, and touch input so that users can interact using their preferred method. Users can use their mouse to click on a node to select it, move their mouse to drag and then release the mouse button to drop nodes to rearrange them. They can also use keyboard shortcuts to navigate and interact with the tree.
  • Look and feel : Developers (and sometimes users) can tailor the lo
    Treeview Tutorials: TreeView control is used to display hierarchical information.

    Latest online Treeview Tutorials with example so this page for both freshers and experienced candidate who want to get job in Treeview company

    Latest online Treeview Tutorials for both freshers and experienced


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