Swift Online Tutorials

Swift or SWIFT most commonly refers to:

  • SWIFT, an international organization facilitating transactions between banks
    • SWIFT code
  • Swift (programming language)
  • Swift (bird), a family of birds

It may also refer to:


  • SWIFT, an international organization facilitating transactions between banks
  • Swift Engineering, an American engineering firm
  • Swift & Company, a meat processing company
  • Swifts (aerobatic team), a Russian aerobatic team

Transportation companies

  • Swift Cooper, a British racing car manufacturer
  • Swift Leisure, a British manufacturer of caravans
  • Swift Motor Company, of Coventry, England
  • Swift Transportation, a US trucking company


  • River Swift, a river in England
  • Swift, Illinois, an unincorporated community in northeastern Illinois
  • Swift County, Minnesota, a county in west-central Minnesota
  • Swift, Minnesota, an unincorporated community in northern Minnesota
  • Swift, Missouri, a ghost town in southeastern Missouri


  • Swift (lunar crater), a crater on the Moon
  • Swift (Deimian crater), a crater on Deimos
  • 5035 Swift (1991 UX), a Main-belt Asteroid
  • Swift Gamma-Ray Burst Explorer, a NASA spacecraft in low-Earth orbit


  • Swift (bird), a family of birds
  • Swift butterflies, several genera in the skipper butterfly tribe Gegenini
  • Swift lizards, iguanian lizards typically of the genus Sceloporus
    • Snow swift lizards, of the iguanian genus Liolaemus
  • Swift moth, of the family Hepialidae
  • Swift fox, a species of North American fox

Computing and telecommunication

  • Swift (distributed storage), OpenStack's distributed storage component
  • Swift (programming language), a programming language developed by Apple Inc.
  • Swift (parallel scripting language), a programming language for parallel computing developed at the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory
  • Swift, the ARM architecture CPU core in the Apple A6 and Apple A6X
  • Swift, an XMPP client for Windows, Mac and Linux
  • SWIFT – System for wireless infotainment forwarding and teledistribution: former abbreviation for Data Radio Channel (DARC) subcarrier messaging standard




  • Aériane Swift, a Belgian sail plane design
  • Comper Swift, a British 1930s single-seat sporting aircraft
  • Globe GC-1 Swift, an American two-seat light airplane produced from 1946 to 1951
  • Swift S-1, a Polish sailplane
  • Supermarine Swift, a British jet fighter built after World War II


  • Leyland Swift, a British mid-sized bus
  • Suzuki Swift, a car
  • Skokie Swift, now known as the CTA Yellow Line, between Chicago and Skokie, IL, US
  • Swift Bus Rapid Transit, in Snohomish County, Washington, US
  • Swift card, a public transport smartcard-based ticketing scheme operated by Transport for West Midlands


  • Swift Boat (disambiguation)


  • HSV-2 Swift, a non-commissioned catamaran leased by the United States Navy
    • Swift Boats, used by the US Navy in the Vietnam War
  • Swift-class coastal patrol craft, patrol vessels built for the Republic of Singapore Navy
  • HMS Swift, several ships of British Royal Navy
  • href="/wiki/Operation_Swift
    Swift Tutorials: Use this tag only for questions that are specific to Swift language features, or those that require code in the language. Use the related tags [ios], [osx], [cocoa-touch], and [cocoa] for (language-agnostic) questions about the platforms or frameworks. Swift is Apple\'s application programming language. It retains elements from C and Objective-C, but offers modern features such as generics, closures, optionals, tuples, and type inference.

    Latest online Swift Tutorials with example so this page for both freshers and experienced candidate who want to get job in Swift company

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