Object Online Tutorials

Object may refer to:

General meanings

  • Object (philosophy), a thing, being, or concept
    • Object (abstract), an object which does not exist at any particular time or place
    • Physical object, an identifiable collection of matter
  • Goal, an aim, target, or objective
  • Object (grammar), a sentence element, such as a direct object or an indirect object

Science, technology, and mathematics



  • 3D model, a representation of a physical object
  • Object (computer science), a language mechanism for binding data with methods that operate on that data
    • Object-orientation (disambiguation), in which concepts are represented as objects
      • Object-oriented programming (OOP), in which an object is an instance of a class or array
    • Object (IBM i), the fundamental unit of data storage in the IBM i operating system
  • Object file, the output of a compiler or other translator program (also known as "object code")
  • HTML object element


  • Object (mathematics), an abstract object arising in mathematics
  • Group object, a generalization of a group built on more complicated structures than sets
  • Object, an entity treated by mathematical category theory


  • Physical body or object, in physics, an identifiable collection of matter
    • Planetary body or planetary object, any secondary body in the Solar system that has a planet-like geology

Other sciences

  • Astronomical object
  • In object relations theory of psychoanalysis, that to which a subject relates

Arts and media

  • Object (Le Déjeuner en fourrure), a sculpture by Méret Oppenheim
  • href="/wiki/An_Object" title
    Object Tutorials: An object is any entity that can be manipulated by commands in a programming language. An object can be a value, a variable, a function, or a complex data-structure. In object-oriented programming, an object refers to an instance of a class

    Latest online Object Tutorials with example so this page for both freshers and experienced candidate who want to get job in Object company

    Latest online Object Tutorials for both freshers and experienced


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