William Golding Biography and latest books by William Golding

William Golding Biography of William Golding :

Sir William Gerald Golding was a British novelist, poet, playwright and Nobel Prize for Literature laureate, who is very well known for his novel - Lord of the Flies. The prestigious Booker Prize for literature was also bestowed upon him for his novel Rites of Passage that happens to be the first book of the trilogy To the Ends of the Earth

Early life
William Golding was born in Newquay, Cornwall to Science master Alec Golding. Alec was a socialist with a strong commitment to scientific rationalism, and the young Golding and his elder brother Joseph attended the school where his father taught. William’s mother, Mildred supported the moderate campaigners for female suffrage. In 1930 Golding went to Oxford University as a stuidnewt of Natural Sciences before transferring to English Literature.
Golding published his first book, Poems, after his graduation.
Golding married Ann Brookfield on 30 September 1939 and they had two children, Judy and David. In September 1953, Golding sent a manuscript to Faber & Faber of London of Lord of the Flies. Though rejected initially, it was later accepted with a  few edits. After his success as a writer he quit his teaching post.
Golding\'s often allegorical fiction makes heavy use of allusions to classical literature, mythology, and Christian symbolism. However, no distinct thread unites his novels and the subject matter and technique too vary in each novel. However his novels are mostly set in closed communities such as islands, villages, monasteries, groups of hunter-gatherers, ships at sea or a pharaoh\'s court.
Golding has won the James Tait Black Memorial Prize, the Booker Prize and the Nobel Prize for Literature. According to the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, this victory was "an unexpected and even contentious choice, with most English critics and academics favouring Graham Greene or Anthony Burgess". He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 1988.
Lord of  flies
Total Download : 14 Lord of flies Download now

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