Subramanian Swamy Biography and latest books by Subramanian Swamy

Subramanian Swamy Biography of Subramanian Swamy :

Subramanian Swamy is an Indian politician, author and economist. He is also the President of the Janata Party of India. He also serves as Chairman of the SCMS Board of Governors of the SCMS Group of Educational Institutions in Kerala.

Swamy has previously been a member of the Planning Commission of India and Cabinet Minister of India. He has written extensively on foreign affairs dealing primarily with India-China, India-Pakistan and Indo-Israel relationships.


He has written about 17 books, out of which 2G Spectrum Scam, Hindus Under Siege: The Way Out, Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi and Sri Lanka in Crisis, Terrorism In India are immensely popular. Swamy has also written many articles on Can India make it? India\'s path to sustained growth and the Response to Economic Challenge: A comparative economic history of China and India along with research papers on Economic Growth and Income Distribution in a Developing nation and Nuclear Policy for India.

Subramanian Swamy was born in Mylapore, Chennai. His father Sitaram Subramanian was an Indian Statistical Service officer. Subramanian attended Hindu College, University of Delhi, from where he earned his Bachelor Honours Degree in Mathematics. He then completed his Masters course in Statistics from the Indian Statistical Institute. This was followed by a degree from Harvard University. He has also earned a Ph.D. in Economics in 1965.

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Below are the Subramanian Swamy example Details for PCDS Member only
"; Subramanian Swamy size :: 36
Subramanian Swamy Height :: 1415 mm
Subramanian Swamy Weight :: 49430 G
Subramanian Swamy Whatsapp Mobile no :: Request For Number
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