Simon Armitage is an English poet, playwright, and writer. His poetry collections include Zoom!, Xanadu, Kid, Book of Matches, The Dead Sea Poems, CloudCuckooLand, Killing Time, Universal Home Doctor, Travelling Songs, The Shout: Selected Poems, Travelling Songs, The Shout: Selected Poems, Tyrannosaurus Rex Versus The Corduroy Kid, The Not Dead, Out of the Blue, and Seeing Stars. His other writings include Little Green Man, The White Stuff, Moon Country (with Glyn Maxwell), Eclipse, All Points North, Mister Heracles After Euripides, King Arthur in the East Riding, Jerusalem, The Twilight Readings, and Gig: The Life and Times of a Rock-star Fantasist among other writings. Some of his radio works include Second Draft from Saga Land, Eyes of a Demigod, The Amherst Myth, Points of Reference, From Salford to Jericho, To Bahia and Beyond, The Bayeux Tapestry, A Tree Full of Monkeys, The Odyssey, Writing the City, and Black Roses: The Killing of Sophie Lancaster.
Simon Armitage was born at Marsden in West Yorkshire in the U.K. He studied Geography at Portsmouth Polytechnic and went on to complete a Masters from the University of Manchester. He worked as a Probation Officer in Greater Manchester. Later he worked as a lecturer in Creative Writing at the University of Leeds, the University of Iowa, and the Manchester Metropolitan University. Currently, he works as a Professor of Poetry at the University of Sheffield.
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Simon Armitage size :: 96
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