Rita Mae Brown Biography and latest books by Rita Mae Brown

Rita Mae Brown Biography of Rita Mae Brown :

Rita Mae Brown is an American novelist, screenwriter, and poet. Her novels include Rubyfruit Jungle, In Her Day, Southern Discomfort, Sudden Death, High Hearts, Bingo, Venus Envy, Dolley: A Novel of Dolley Madison in Love and War, Riding Shotgun, Loose Lips, Alma Mater, and The Sand Castle. Her poetry collections include The Hand That Cradles the Rock and Songs to a Handsome Woman. Some of her other writings include Starting from Scratch: A Different Kind of Writer\'s Manual, Rita Will: Memoir of a Literary Rabble-Rouser, Animal Magnetism - My Life with Creatures Great and Small, Slumber Party Massacre, Wish You Were Here, Rest in Pieces, Murder at Monticello, Pay Dirt, Murder, She Meowed, Murder on the Prowl, Cat on the Scent, Pawing Through the Past, Claws and Effect, Catch as Cat Can, The Tail of the Tip-Off, Whisker of Evil, Cat\'s Eyewitness, The Purrfect Murder, Puss n\' Cahoots, The Purrfect Murder, Santa Clawed, Cat of the Century, Hiss of Death, and The Big Cat Nap.


Brown was born in Hanover, Pennsylvania and raised in Florida. She attended Broward Community College, University of Florida, and New York University. She completed a degree in Classics and English from New York University and a degree in Cinematography from the New York School of Visual Arts. She completed a PhD from Union Institute & University and PhD in political science from the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, D.C.

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"; Rita Mae Brown size :: 40
Rita Mae Brown Height :: 1838 mm
Rita Mae Brown Weight :: 46723 G
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