Richard Lloyd Parry Biography and latest books by Richard Lloyd Parry

Richard Lloyd Parry Biography of Richard Lloyd Parry :

Richard Lloyd Parry is an Asia Editor of The Times (London), based in Tokyo. He is the author of In the Time of Madness and People Who Eat Darkness: The Fate of Lucie Blackman. He was born in Southport, Merseyside in the U.K. He attended Merchant Taylors\' School, Crosby and Oxford University. He became the Tokyo correspondent for The Independent. He reported on the fall of President of Suharto in Indonesia and the violence that occurred during the independence referendum in East Timor. He moved to The Times and he has covered events across 27 countries including Afghanistan, Iraq, North Korea, Papua New Guinea, Vietnam, Kosovo and Macedonia.

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Below are the Richard Lloyd Parry example Details for PCDS Member only
"; Richard Lloyd Parry size :: 44
Richard Lloyd Parry Height :: 1842 mm
Richard Lloyd Parry Weight :: 41348 G
Richard Lloyd Parry Whatsapp Mobile no :: Request For Number
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