Raskhan Biography and latest books by Raskhan

Raskhan Biography of Raskhan :

Raskhan was a poet par excellence who was a Muslim but a follower of Lord Krishna. His real name was Sayyad Ibrahim. When he was very young he became a staunch follower of Lord Krishna. He even moved base to Vrindavan and spent his whole life there. He passed away in 1628 AD.

Raskhan’s poetic writing focuses on Lord Krishna, particularly the Lilas of Lord Krishna - Bal Lila, Chir Haran Lila, Kunj Lila, Ras Lila, Panghat Lila, and Dan Lila, were his preferred subjects. His creations describe the beauty of Lord Krishna and his relation with his beloved Radha. Raskhan also wrote poetry on Lord Shankar, Goddess Ganga, and the festival of Holi.

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Below are the Raskhan example Details for PCDS Member only
"; Raskhan size :: 95
Raskhan Height :: 1544 mm
Raskhan Weight :: 45755 G
Raskhan Whatsapp Mobile no :: Request For Number
Raskhan Contact address :: Request For Address
Raskhan Contact email id :: Request For email id

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