Ferit Orhan Pamuk (born 7 June 1952), popularly known as Orhan Pamuk, is a Turkish novelist. He teaches Humanities (comparative literature and writing) at Columbia University.
Pamuk has sold over eleven million books in 60 languages. He has received numerous literary awards, including the Nobel Prize in Literature (2006), the first awarded to a Turkish citizen. He is also known for experimenting with postmodern techniques in his works of fiction.
Pamuk was born in Istanbul in 1952 and grew up in a wealthy yet declining upper class family; an experience he describes in his personal memoir Istanbul. He studied at Robert College secondary school in Istanbul and pursued architecture at the Istanbul Technical University, which he thought was related to his real dream career, painting. He left the school after three years, to become a full-time writer. He went about graduating from the Institute of Journalism at the University of Istanbul.
From 22 to 30 years of age, Pamuk shifted with his mother, writing his first novel and finding a publisher. He calls himself a Cultural Muslim who associates the historical and cultural identification with the religion while not believing in having a personal connection with God.
On 1 March 1982, Pamuk married Aylin Türegün, a historian. They had a daughter named Rüya (born in 1991), whose name means "dream" in Turkish. In 2001, he and Aylin separated. He is seeing Indian author Kiran Desai, who is the daughter of Anita Desai.
The New York Times once stated, "A new star has risen in the east—Orhan Pamuk." Pamuk\'s international reputation continued to increase when he published Benim Adım Kırmızı (My Name is Red) in 2000. The novel blends mystery, romance, and philosophical puzzles in a setting of 16th century Istanbul. My Name Is Red has been translated into 24 languages.
He once said: Nothing changed in my life since I work all the time. I\'ve spent 30 years writing fiction. For the first 10 years, I worried about money and no one asked how much money I made. The second decade I spent money and no one was asking about that. And I\'ve spent the last 10 years with everyone expecting to hear how I spend the money, which I will not do.
Pamuk\'s next novel was Kar in 2002 (English translation, Snow), which takes place in the border city of Kars and explores the conflict between Islamism and Westernism in modern Turkey.
He commented on his personal memoir, Istanbul: Memories and the City:
I thought I would write Memories and the City in six months, but it took me one year. And I was working twelve hours a day, just reading and working. My life, because of so many things, was in a crisis; I don’t want to go into those details: divorce, father dying, professional problems, problems with this, problems with that, everything was bad. I thought if I were to be weak I would have a depression. But every day I would wake up and have a cold shower and sit down and remember and write, always paying attention to the beauty of the book. Honestly, I may have hurt my mother, my family. My father was dead, but my mother is still alive. But I can’t care about that; I must care about the beauty of the book.
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