Michael Korda Biography and latest books by Michael Korda

Michael Korda Biography of Michael Korda :

Michael Korda is a British writer and former editor-in-chief of Simon & Schuster. His writings include Male Chauvinism and How It Works at Home and in the Office, Power! How to Get It, How to Use It, Country Matters: The Pleasures and Tribulations of Moving from a Big City to an Old Country Farmhouse, Ulysses S. Grant: The Unlikely Hero, Marking Time: collecting watches and thinking about time, Journey to a Revolution: A Personal Memoir and History of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, With Wings Like Eagles: A History of the Battle of Britain, and Hero: The Life and Legend of Lawrence of Arabia. He was born in London. His father was the film production designer Vincent Korda and his mother was actress Gertrude Musgrove. He attended Institut Le Rosey in Switzerland. He studied History at Magdalen College, Oxford and went on to serve at the Royal Air Force. He is married to Margaret Korda.

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"; Michael Korda size :: 100
Michael Korda Height :: 1336 mm
Michael Korda Weight :: 43921 G
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