Marie Colvin Biography and latest books by Marie Colvin

Marie Colvin Biography of Marie Colvin :

Marie Catherine Colvin was born on January 12 in 1956 at Astoria in Queens in New York.  She was raised in Long Island in New York. She attended Yale University and graduated with a degree in Anthropology. She began her career as a reporter for the United Press International (UPI) as a Police Reporter. Later she became the Bureau Chief for the UPI in Paris.


Marie Colvin joined the British newspaper, The Sunday Times. She worked as a foreign correspondent and reported from Chechnya, Kosovo, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka, East Timor, Tunisia, Libya, and Syria. She suffered from Post Traumatic Disorder after her experiences in Sri Lanka. Her exemplary compassion and courage in the face of adversity and war is best reflected in her thoughts – “My job is to bear witness. I have never been interested in knowing what make of plane had just bombed a village or whether the artillery that fired at it was 120mm or 155mm.”


Never one to fear where she treaded and where she reported from, Colvin was killed on February 21, 2012 in a bombing along with the famous French photographer Remi Ochlik. She authored On the Frontline and Hidden Syria (co-authored with Seamus Murphy).

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"; Marie Colvin size :: 89
Marie Colvin Height :: 1642 mm
Marie Colvin Weight :: 47344 G
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