Louis Simpson was an American writer and poet. His poetry collections include The Arrivistes: Poems, Good News of Death, A Dream of Governors, At the End of the Open Road, Adventures of the Letter I, Searching for the Ox, Armidale, Caviare at the Funeral, The Best Hour of the Night, People Live Here, In the Room We Share, There You Are, The Owner of the House, Struggling Times, and Voices in the Distance. His non-fiction writings include James Hogg: A Critical study, Louis Aston Marantz Simpson, Air with Armed Men, Three on the Tower, A Revolution in Taste: Studies of Dylan Thomas, Allen Ginsberg, Sylvia Plath, and Robert Lowell, A Company of Poets, The Character of the Poet, Selected Prose, Ships Going Into the Blue: Essays and Notes on Poetry, and The King My Father\'s Wreck.
Louis Simpson was born in Jamaica. He attended Columbia University and later taught at Columbia University, the University of California-Berkeley, the State University of New York at Stony Brook, and The Stony Brook School.
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Louis Simpson size :: 59
Louis Simpson Height :: 1410 mm
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