Leon Uris Biography and latest books by Leon Uris

Leon Uris Biography of Leon Uris :

Leon Marcus Uris was born in Baltimore, Maryland to Jewish American parents. His father, Wolf William, was born a Jew in Czarist Russia before World War I. Post the war he migrated to USA after spending a year in Palestine. Uris was into writing from early childhood when he wrote an operetta at the age of six. But he never graduated from high school and went on to join United State Marine Corps during WWII.
After the end of World War, Leon Uris took to writing seriously. He wrote his first novel, Battle Cry, based on his experience while working in Guadalcanal and Tarawa where he was posted during the war. After successfully seeing this novel translated into a movie by Warner Brothers, Uris wrote another novel, The Angry Hills, based on war time Greece.

One of the most famous works of Leon Uris till date remains Exodus, a 1958 best seller which is about the formation of an independent nation of Israel in 1948. This novel was inspired by author’s keen interest in Israel, owing to his Jewish background. This novel has been translated into many languages and was even made into a feature film and a Broadway musical.

Subsequently he wrote many novels including Mila 18, Armageddon: A Novel of Berlin, QB VII and The Haj. He also wrote screen plays for Battle Cry and Gunfight at the O.K. Corral.

Uris married three times with two marriages ending in divorce while his second wife committed suicide. He died of renal failure at his home on June 21, 2003 and was survived by five children. The papers of Leon Uris which consist of collection of his novels can be found at the Ransom Center, University of Austin in Texas.

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