Kieran Scott Biography and latest books by Kieran Scott

Kieran Scott Biography of Kieran Scott :

Kieran Scott is an American author. She is also known by her pseudonym Kate Brian. She writes in the genres of chick lit and young adults. Some of her novels include the Private series, Privilege series, I Was a Non Blonde Cheerleader, Brunettes Strike Back, A Non-Blonde Cheerleader in Love, She\'s So Dead to Us, He\'s So Not worth It, This is so not Happening, Trust Me, Kiss and Tell, While you were Gone, The Dance, How do I Tell?, Mary-Kate and Ashley: Sweet 16: The Perfect Summer; Jingle Boy, The Princess and the Pauper, The Virginity Club, Megan Meade\'s Guide to the McGowan Boys, Lucky T, Fake Boyfriend, Geek Magnet and Shadowlands. Her non-fiction works include Leonardo DiCaprio, Ultimate Cheerleading, Matt Damon, I Was a Mouseketeer!, Cameron Diaz, Salma Hayek and The Diary of Disney Vero Beach.


Scott attended Rutgers University. She received a double major in English and Journalism. She lives in New Jersey with her husband and son.

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"; Kieran Scott size :: 24
Kieran Scott Height :: 1617 mm
Kieran Scott Weight :: 59131 G
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