Ken Follett Biography and latest books by Ken Follett

Ken Follett Biography of Ken Follett :

Ken Follett is a Welsh writer. His writings are categorized under the thriller and historical fiction categories. Some of his novels include Amok: King of Legend, The Modigliani Scandal, The Mystery Hideout, The Power Twins, Paper Money, Capricorn One, Eye of the Needle, Triple, The Key to Rebecca, The Man from St. Petersburg, Lie Down with Lions, Night over Water, A Dangerous Fortune, A Place called Freedom, The Third Twin, The Hammer of Eden, Code to Zero, Jackdaws, Hornet Flight, and Whiteout among others. His non-fiction works include The Heist of the Century and On Wings of Eagles.


Ken Follett was born in Cardiff in Wales. He attended Harrow Weald Grammar School, Poole Technical College, and University College, London. He started his career as a journalist and he worked with South Wales Echo and Evening News. He turned to publishing and became the deputy managing director of Everest Books. He began to write during his spare time and the Eye of the Needle was his first book to become a major success.


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"; Ken Follett size :: 96
Ken Follett Height :: 1515 mm
Ken Follett Weight :: 42756 G
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