Jorge Amado Biography and latest books by Jorge Amado

Jorge Amado Biography of Jorge Amado :

 Jorge Leal Amado de Faria popularly known as Jorge Amado was a Brazilian writer. Some of his works are O Pais do Carnaval, Cacao, Jubiaba, The Two Deaths of Quincas Wateryell, Sea of Death,  Captains of the Sand, The Life of Luis Carlos Prestes (also published as The  Knight of Hope), The Violent Land,  Seara Vermelhad, Gabriela, Clove and Cinnamon, Home Is the Sailor, Shepherds of the Night, Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands, Tent of Miracles, Tereza Batista: Home from the Wars, Tieta, the Goat Girl, Pen, Sword and Camisole, Showdown, The War of the Saints, How the Turks Discovered America,  and Companion of the God Ogum.


Jorge Amado was in 1910 in Bahia in Brazil. He spent his childhood in Illheus. He studied at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Faculty of Law. His first novel was O Pais do Carnaval which he published when he was 18 years old. His works were banned in Portugal while they gained immense popularity in the rest of Europe. His book titled Jubiaba was praised by famous French author Albert Camus. His books were translated into 49 languages in 55 countries.

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Below are the Jorge Amado example Details for PCDS Member only
"; Jorge Amado size :: 76
Jorge Amado Height :: 1357 mm
Jorge Amado Weight :: 52780 G
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