John Agard Biography and latest books by John Agard

John Agard Biography of John Agard :

John Agard is a Guyanese playwright, children’s author, and poet. Some of his works are Shoot me with Flowers, Letters for Lettie, and Other Stories, Dig Away Two-Hole, Man to Pan Casa de las Américas, I Din Do Nuttin, and Other Poems, Limbo Dancer in Dark Glasses Greenheart, Livingroom Black Ink, Mangoes and Bullets: Selected and New Poems, Say It Again, Granny!, Lend Me Your Wings, Go Noah Go!, Laughter is an Egg, The Calypso Alphabet, No Hickory, No Dickory, No Dock, The Emperor\'s Dan-dan, A Stone\'s Throw from Embankment: The South Bank Collection, The Great Snakeskin Ginn, Granfather\'s Old Bruk-a-Down Car, Oriki and the Monster Who Hated Balloons, The Monster Who loved Cameras, The Monster who loved Telephones, The Monster who loved Toothbrushes, Eat a Poem, Wear a Poem, Get Back, Pimple!, We Animals Would Like a Word With You, From the Devil\'s Pulpit, Brer Rabbit: The Great Tug-o-war, Points of View with Professor Peekabo, Weblines, Come Back to Me My Boomerang, and Einstein, and The Girl Who Hated Maths.


John Agard was raised in Georgetown, British Guiana (now Guyana). He studied English, France, and Latin. After the completion of his studies, he taught and worked in a library in Guyana. He currently lives in Rye, East Sussex with his partner Grace Nichols.

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"; John Agard size :: 38
John Agard Height :: 1685 mm
John Agard Weight :: 45644 G
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