Jg Ballard Biography and latest books by Jg Ballard

Jg Ballard Biography of Jg Ballard :

JG Ballard or James Graham Ballard was a British novelist, short-story writer, and a major member of the New Wave Movement. His novels include The Wind from Nowhere, The Drowned World, The Burning World, The Crystal World, Crash, Concrete Island, High Rise, The Unlimited Dream Company, Hello America, Empire of the Sun, The Day of Creation, Running Wild, The Kindness of Women, Rushing to Paradise, Cocaine Nights, Super-Cannes, Millennium People, and Kingdom Come. His short-story collections include The Voices of Time and Other Stories, Billennium, Passport to Eternity, The Four-Dimensional Nightmare, The Terminal Beach, The Impossible Man, The Venus Hunters, The Overloaded Man, The Disaster Area, The Day of Forever, The Atrocity Exhibition, Vermilion Sands, Chronopolis and Other Stories, Low-Flying Aircraft and Other Stories, Myths of the Near Future, The Voices of Time, Memories of the Space Age, and War Fever.


JG Ballard was born on November 15, 1930 in the Shanghai International Settlement in Shanghai. He attended the Cathedral School in Shanghai. During the Second Sino-Japanese War and the Pearl Harbor Attack, the Ballard family had to go into hiding. After the Second World War, he was sent to England and he attended The Leys School in Cambridge. After school, he went to King’s College in Cambridge to study medicine and start a career as a psychiatrist. He began to write fiction being largely influenced by psychoanalysis and surrealism. On realizing that his passion lay in writing, he enrolled himself at Queen Mary, University of London to read English Literature. He began work as a copywriter and then joined the Royal Air Force and was stationed at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada. He returned to England and began to write full time.


JG Ballard died in 2009.


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"; Jg Ballard size :: 27
Jg Ballard Height :: 1323 mm
Jg Ballard Weight :: 47059 G
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