Harry Behn also known as Giles Behn was an American screenwriter, painter, and children’s author. Some of his writings include Siesta, The Little Hill, All Kinds of Time, Rhymes of the Times, Windy Morning, The House beyond the Meadow, The Wizard in the Well, Chinese Proverbs from Olden Times, The Painted Cave, Timmy\'s Search, The Two Uncles of Pablo, Sombra, Roderick, The Faraway Lurs, Cricket Songs, Omen of the Birds, The Golden Hive, Chrysalis: Concerning Children and Poetry, What a Beautiful Noise, Crickets and Bullfrogs and Whispers of Thunder: Poems and Pictures, Trees, Halloween, and The Grand Canyon: an ode.
Harry Behn was born in McCabe in Arizona. He attended Stanford University and Harvard University. He translated Japanese haiku to English taking the support of people who knew Japanese. He was also a painter. He lived in Greenwich, Connecticut.
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Below are the Harry Behn example Details for PCDS Member only
Harry Behn size :: 76
Harry Behn Height :: 1779 mm
Harry Behn Weight :: 48896 G
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