Gopi Chand Narang Biography and latest books by Gopi Chand Narang

Gopi Chand Narang Biography of Gopi Chand Narang :

Gopi Chand Narang was born on 11 February, 1931 in Dukki, British India, now in present day Pakistan. He did his graduation from the Delhi College (now Zakir Hussain College). In Pakistan’s literary circles, Gopi Chand Narang is known as India’s cultural ambassador.  He has taught in different universities in India and abroad. A few of the famous award winning books of Prof. Narang include Hindustani Qisson se Makhuz Urdu Masnawiyan, Urdu: Dilli ki Karkhandari Boli, Urdu ki Taleem ke Lisani Pehlu, Puranon ki Kahanian, Ameer Khusro ka Hindvi Kalaam etc. amongst others. His books have been translated into different Indian languages and there are more than 10 books written over him. Some of his noted English work includes Karkhandari Dialect of Delhi Urdu, 1961 (ling.), Urdu Language and Literature : Critical Perspectives, 1991 (crit.), Readings in Literary Urdu Prose (edt.), 1965, Rajinder Singh Bedi: Selected Short Stories (edt.), 1989, Krishan Chander: Selected Short Stories (edt.), 1990 and Balwant Singh: Selected Short Stories (edt.), 1996.

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Below are the Gopi Chand Narang example Details for PCDS Member only
"; Gopi Chand Narang size :: 20
Gopi Chand Narang Height :: 1451 mm
Gopi Chand Narang Weight :: 47729 G
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Gopi Chand Narang Contact address :: Request For Address
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