Gerald Durrell Biography and latest books by Gerald Durrell

Gerald Durrell Biography of Gerald Durrell :

Gerald Durrell was born in 1925 in Jamshedpur, India. He was born to Louisa Florence Dixie and Lawrence Samuel Durrell and they were of English and Irish descent. Lawrence Samuel Durrell was born and raised in India and he studied to become a Civil Engineer. He passed away while Gerald Durrell was a child and the family moved to England and lived at South London. Then they moved to the Greek island of Corfu where young Durrell was exposed to the animal kingdom and he began to keep animals as pets. Gerald Durrell was homeschooled and he was tutored by private tutors and one of them was Doctor Theodore Stephanides a renowned Greek poet, doctor, and naturalist.He was the younger brother of author Lawrence Durrell who wrote The Alexandria Quartet.

Durrell returned to London and worked at an aquarium and pet shop. Then he went on to work in Whipsnade Zoo. After quitting Whipsnade Zoo, he began to go on expeditions. He traveled across Assam, Madagascar, Cameroon, Guyana, Argentina, Mexico, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mascarene Islands, Belize, Russia, and Bhutan.

Gerald Durrell died in 1995 as a result of septicemia.

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"; Gerald Durrell size :: 82
Gerald Durrell Height :: 1671 mm
Gerald Durrell Weight :: 59133 G
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